Monday, January 14, 2008

Socks Suck!

I am so tired of socks. I have a friend who swears by a sock crate. She doesn't sort them. Instead she has the family members rummage through them on their own each morning for matches. As wonderful as that sounds, with six of us, I am imagining socks strewn everywhere and daily arguments over whose turn it is to find socks. I have enough of that problem during teeth brushing time.

Socks and towels used to be my favorite part of laundry. Mindless folding of towels and matching socks brought me peace. That was when there was just three of us in the family. It was easy: big ones - mine, pink toes - daughter, green toes - son.

But now, ugh! Green stripe on toe, yellow stripe on toe, grey bottoms, grey toe and heel, all white, all white with yellow stripe on inside of ankle, pink brand name on toe, blue brand name on toe, green brand name on toe, purple brand name on toe, ankle length, crew length, no-show length. Now that my oldest has hit the stage where she and I can share socks, you think it would get easier, but no. Now I have every size known to man hiding in this house - newborn through mens.

I am almost ready to throw them all out and buy up one brand, two bags of every size.

Then again, it is only four months until sandals and flip flops come back. This family doesn't wear socks from May through September. I suppose I should wait until the end of sock season to toss them out.

I will keep you updated.

- Sara


Shawn said...

I don't have a problem with my socks or J's. My problem is dh's socks. He, for some reason, goes through socks like nobody's business. So I'm always trying to sort through and find the ones that are whiter, b/c they are newer and go together, which ones have holes, so they can go in the trash, and "these are white, but not as white as these so are they newish or oldish" (I'm a little OCD). I have finally given up and just put his socks in one big bin and let him sort through each morning since he never cared if they were matched or not! said...

Wow! You are a lot like me! I can't handle matching dingier socks with the white ones either. Ick! We should start an OCD club :)

Shawn said...

We should start a club! I'm so OCD that my family and friends tease me about it. At least I have a good enough sense of humor that I can laugh at myself! said...

Hrm . . . I should write a blog with my OCD nonsense! You can let me know which ones bother you as well. I am usually a pretty good sport about most of my little quirks, but some of them can really get to me! My doctor says they aren't a PROBLEM unless they interfere with my life. LMAO