Sunday, February 10, 2008

Not Enough Time

I was going to write a blog about the severe crush I have on my ex-karate instructor, but I have to clean the family room before I hit training. This job is seriously cutting into my blog time!

Maybe I should just do a quick milestone blog.

My 7 year old - wait, she turned 8 last week - just hit the multiplication tables at school.
My 6 year old is reading chapter books.
My 2 1/2 year old is starting to memorize board books.
My 18 month old is talking like crazy! We are up to - mama, dada, papa, uh-oh, spongebob (bumbah), up, help me (hep me), nuh-uh, oh no, sippy (ippy), butt, eyes, and block (bock)

I have never had an early talker. If you don't consider this early, please don't tell me. Let me live in my ignorance. My other kids didn't talk until after the age of two!

OH!!!! And I have lost 7 lbs! Not as much as I hoped, but I am excited because I went off the diet while Ryan was in Germany and fully expected to gain some weight. When I went back to the routine, I found I had lost 1 pound without trying! Woohoo! I guess I really am shifting the lifestyle. Very excited.



Shawn said...

Milestones are fun to witness! J didn't really talk until after 2, so I think it is great that your 18-month-old is talking already! And, you should shout out loud about your 7 pounds! It's never easy to lose weight!

The Deviant Mom said...

The best part of motherhood is seeing your kids go through the typical kid milestones. Right now Sylvia is at the phase where she starting to realize that maybe boys aren't so gross after all. I find it rather cute but Craig is not so keen about it, but then any milestone that reminds a father that his little girl is growing up is not a favored milestone. said...

Thanks guys!