Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Stop the Ride, I wanna Get OFF!

Do you ever have one of those days? The kind of day that leaves you feeling like you have ridden the rollercoaster one too many times and then got on the tilt-a-whirl? And now you are stuck knowing you would feel much better if you just puked up the corn dog and funnel cake, but ew, you don't want to end your experience with dry heaves?

I had one of those today. It is why I am sitting here blogging at 2:30 AM when I should be in the middle of a great dream.

The day started out wonderful. The rollercoaster was treating me well. I got the big kids to school okay. The four babies were angels. I did dishes, laundry, swept, and vacuumed. Next I get the crew all down for naps by the time my sister came to watch them.

Training went well. I am amazing :) I was on cloud nine by the time I headed to school to grab the big kids. Then the tide turned.

Grabbed the big kids, raced home, rushed my son into his wrestling clothes, jumped back in the car, got him to practice with two minutes to spare, went to the bank, got there five minutes after they closed, stopped at MomBFF for cash, grabbed dinner on the run, picked up my boy, came home, fed the babies, tended to so many kid problems my food got cold, took a phone call from my mother asking about lunch with my daughter tomorrow, realized I didn't pick up cupcakes for her birthday, read a book to one kid while trying to change a diaper, enforce a time out, and inspect brushed teeth, THEN after I get three kids in bed, my sister needs help getting insurance quotes, oh now SingleBFF needs help figuring out her maximum GPA capabilities this semester, I find a moment to eat between IMs and after struggling for a half hour to get the fourth child in bed, I get a moment to breath. (I have no idea how you working mothers do it, seriously)

Of course what do I decide to do to wind down? I made the mistake of watching some emotional TV programming. Tears. Tried to go to bed but couldn't sleep. Looked at the clock and decided to grab the laptop. It is 9:30 AM in Germany. Good thing Ryan loves me enough to talk me down.

I have decided the lesson for today is - Don't make a huge life change while your husband is out of the country. If you do, at least turn off the phone, send the kids to bed early, don't answer IMs, and stick to sitcoms.



Shawn said...

Wow! What a day! Well, at least the first half was good, right? I hate those days where you are rushing around so much that you can't sleep at night. And I have to agree--stick to sitcoms on nights like those, or better yet, (for me anyway) grab a book. Much more relaxing than the boob tube! Hopefully today will be better.

chitchatmoms@yahoo.com said...

I do love books, but I confess I haven't read many in the past lately. Over the past three years I have worried about turning on a light and waking the baby in our bed. Now that everyone is out of our room I should pull a few out. I used to be a complete bookworm! Do you have any good ones you can recommend?

Shawn said...

I just finished My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Piccoult. GREAT BOOK! Highly recommend it--I couldn't put it down! Another good one I recently read (I belong to 2 book clubs) was The Time Traveler's Wife by A. Nifenegger (or something like that). These were both great books that I think you will enjoy.

chitchatmoms@yahoo.com said...

My Sister's Keeper . . . was that the one made into a TV movie? I think my mother has it. Thanks for the recommendations!