Saturday, February 16, 2008

Family Fibs and Fun

I got chewed out yesterday for not having my phone charged. Seems everyone was trying to get a hold of me about a family get together planned for tonight. Here is the thing - today is the one year anniversary of my father's death. Call me crazy, but I am not that interested in turning the 16th into a holiday. As a huge number geek I usually notice, but I refuse to attach negative emotions with a day of the month. I was hoping for an uneventful day of cleaning and laundry. I can celebrate my dad on his birthday next month.

Here is how it went down - my sister caught me on instant messenger late last night. She was whining about my phone and then told me to call my brother. She claimed everyone was concerned about MomL, and we needed to have a hangout night to keep her from being alone. The hiccup was MomL didn't want to play hostess, and my brother didn't want it at his house unless I could come.

WHAT? I mean I am AMAZING, but really? This whole plan hinges on me? Is anyone else buying this crap? I don't think so. I tried explaining I was not interested in having a tribute night, but if it was important to the rest of them, I would go. Lastly I had to tell my sister fourteenth times that I would call bro, and I knew she still didn't believe me, but I signed off the instant messenger anyway.

Not five minutes pass and my brother calls me via Ryan's cell phone. Either he is the smart one in the family, or my sister tag teamed and gave him the heads up I was home.

He says the hangout night is all for my sister's sake. She is the one that gives us a call every 16th of the month making sure we realize what day it is. My brother confesses he told her it was about MomL so my sister would come, and fed her the line about it only being at his house if I go as a ploy to make sure someone contacted me since he wasn't having any luck.

Sheesh. Do all families work undercover?

In the end I went - kid free even, woohoo! - and had a good time. We talked so long about our bizarre idiosyncrasies, MomL was feeling normal and left out. My sister pointed out that anyone who would see the signs and still choose to marry into our world is crazy in their own right. She felt better.

And it didn't end up being a tribute night. Dad only came up a few times and no tears were involved. If I had known it was going to be that simple I wouldn't have put up a fuss. Oh well, lesson learned. Make the fuss afterward, not beforehand :)



Anonymous said...

Does Halmark make a Happy C & B day card? How would that go? You should call them on it.

My Dad C&B'ed, there was noone around, which begs the question, did it make a sound?


*Creative credit to WorkBFF John (Love you!!)

Shawn said...

What is it we tell kids about new foods? "Try it, you might like it", right? Well, I have found the same holds true for outings or gatherings. Most nights I am so tired I just want to go to bed, but I am always happy when I get home after bowling with friends or just meeting for dinner. said...

Um - MomBFF - yes, it did make a sound. There were two witnesses :P Tell John to get his facts straight before making his C&B jokes SHEESH!!!

and Shawn - you are completely right. It was a wonderful evening and I wasted time whining about it. Good advice!
